Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Top ten worst films I have seen and wished I had slashed my wrists and cried a little!


just a quick one I have been thinking about this
all day, I have seen some of the worst films
cinema can throw at you and I thought why not
share that pain with you good folk. so here is
my top ten, enjoy!

1) AVATAR-Overhyped nonsense, weak weak storyline,sigourney
hang your head in shame lady!.

2) TITANIC-Again overhyped,manboy love affair involving Di
Caprio and Winslet unbelievable, drowning of said manboy
best bit.

3) SEX IN THE CITY-Old Women shagging,crying,and getting
hitched to multi millionaire's.

4) PS I LOVE YOU-Words fail me.

5) VALENTINES DAY-Ashton Kitcher.

6) KNOWING-Nic Cage acting clever,dodgy hair.

7)UNDERCOVER BROTHER-Again words fail me.

8) I AM LEGEND-Watch The Omega Man,save on the heartache.

9) BANGKOK DANGEROUS-Wooden comes to mind.

10) 1408-John Cusack why?.

I would love to see your own list's of movie hell feel free to add it here.


Bill Young said...

There's one salient omission from your list. Have you ever seen '27 Dresses'? Until you have, you cannot claim to understand the true meaning of pain...

Tom Cruise's lovechild said...

I have to agree 27 Dresses is pure
baby poo

Harry2020 said...

you missed out "little man" mate!