Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Top ten worst films I have seen and wished I had slashed my wrists and cried a little!


just a quick one I have been thinking about this
all day, I have seen some of the worst films
cinema can throw at you and I thought why not
share that pain with you good folk. so here is
my top ten, enjoy!

1) AVATAR-Overhyped nonsense, weak weak storyline,sigourney
hang your head in shame lady!.

2) TITANIC-Again overhyped,manboy love affair involving Di
Caprio and Winslet unbelievable, drowning of said manboy
best bit.

3) SEX IN THE CITY-Old Women shagging,crying,and getting
hitched to multi millionaire's.

4) PS I LOVE YOU-Words fail me.

5) VALENTINES DAY-Ashton Kitcher.

6) KNOWING-Nic Cage acting clever,dodgy hair.

7)UNDERCOVER BROTHER-Again words fail me.

8) I AM LEGEND-Watch The Omega Man,save on the heartache.

9) BANGKOK DANGEROUS-Wooden comes to mind.

10) 1408-John Cusack why?.

I would love to see your own list's of movie hell feel free to add it here.

Sunday, 21 February 2010


I am pretty new to all this blogging malarky,due to the fact I am a technophobe and I hate computers with a healthy passion. Anyway I hope to discuss on here my love of all thing's film, and Tom Hanks of course!.

I am not a professional critic, so please feel free to contribute in a construtive manner, healthy debate is always welcome. Now I am off to watch the Bafta's hopefully someone will make a complete arse of themselves on National TV, failing that there is always Jonathan Ross!.